
Men In Black

Como salido de Hollywood, se podría pensar de la simple idea de estos personajes cuando mencionamos estas tres palabras. Como no pensarlo, si esta idea se nos ha sido vendida desde hace muchos años como ciencia ficción y fantasía. Pero si vamos más al fondo de las situaciones presenciadas, por los que han tenido un encuentro con lo que parece ser, un ser de otro planeta ajeno al nuestro, la idea no suena tan descabellada. Cabe mencionar, que en muchos de los casos de avistamientos, estos testigos relatan o narran algún recuerdo o memoria de haber al menos visto, o si no interactuado con hombres totalmente vestidos de negro. En los casos donde los testigos han logrado interactuar, se relata como estos individuos se dedican a interrogar acerca de las vivencias relacionados con los momentos previos, durante y después del contacto con los seres, y estos casos siguen un patrón, en el cual estos testigos en la mayor parte pierden la memoria visual de los eventos, y algunos logran manten...

Clinton-Trump 2016

The following is the own opinion of the writer, just a couple paragraphs expressing a general thought on the subject, so either you can agree or disagree, go ahead be a thoughtful being... Hello; First thing to say here tonight is that for the short period that I've been on this world so called earth, I've never seen such a complicated election world-widely, not principally referring to the fact that the two candidates are head-to-head, but merely landing to the fact that around a year ago I thought this election was a joke. In one hand we have a totally bifurcated Republican party, with candidates looking like they came out of comic book, or a bad fox cartoon comedy, and in the other side we had a really complex elder and a way to simple for my taste women with a lack of enthusiasm for long explanations.  In fact, I never thought that this would have been the outcome for the election of the representation for each party, like I mean... I'll give you that Trump, you s...


Lets say that Orpheus was part of the Demi-Gods and heroes group from the Greek mythology, but he had a really peculiar power from this other characters. Usually this figures tended to have powers muscle-bound, mortality-bound related topics, Orpheus had the gift of the music. With this gift, Orpheus could play music so beautiful that it could not only charm human beings and animals, but it could make other things like trees and inert individuals like rocks and water move. He is quoted in other mythology stories also, by helping different characters and heroes when the brute force couldn't win. For example, singing and playing his lyre, Orpheus charmed the clashing rocks that threatened to crush Argos and putted the Dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece to sleep.  He fell in love with Eurydice and they got married, but in the day of their wedding she was bitten in her ankle by a snake, this incident killed her. Leaded by his anger, Orpheus descended into the Underworld, h...

Cicada 3301

Hello people this is SpaceNostalgia, today we are gonna be talking about the Cicada 3301, this is an enigmatic organization, or let’s say group that posted on the web this series of puzzle with encrypted messages, to supposedly recruit cryptanalysts from the audience how could solve the puzzle.     The first puzzle was uploaded to the web on January 5 of 2012, then followed by the second one on the same date but a year later in 2013, and the last one that we heard about was released on January 5 2014, the main idea of this puzzle was that if you could solve the first one, you would be provided with the following ones, even thou there is several people who claim they solve the enigmatic puzzle, there is no recorded evidence that can prove this. The rumor has it that this puzzle was originally made to recruit “bright minds” for government institutions, secret societies or even cyber mercenaries groups, although there is no record of any individual recruit...