Cicada 3301

Hello people this is SpaceNostalgia, today we are gonna be talking about the Cicada 3301, this is an enigmatic organization, or let’s say group that posted on the web this series of puzzle with encrypted messages, to supposedly recruit cryptanalysts from the audience how could solve the puzzle.


 The first puzzle was uploaded to the web on January 5 of 2012, then followed by the second one on the same date but a year later in 2013, and the last one that we heard about was released on January 5 2014, the main idea of this puzzle was that if you could solve the first one, you would be provided with the following ones, even thou there is several people who claim they solve the enigmatic puzzle, there is no recorded evidence that can prove this.

The rumor has it that this puzzle was originally made to recruit “bright minds” for government institutions, secret societies or even cyber mercenaries groups, although there is no record of any individual recruited to any entity, those who formally solve the puzzle back in 2012 were provided by email with a specific personality test, and they were reported to be accepted to the organization, although as I mentioned before there is no further record of anything else.

This puzzles were heavily loaded with scenarios focused in data security, cryptography, and steganography, which included different ways of communication all over the world, including Internet, Telephone, street signs, cryptic books, music, Linux Bootables. And they were several ways of encrypting and encoding in this puzzles that made reference to different authors of various ways of art and science.

The participants were made to travel to different places in the world, to get further info and clues of the puzzle they were solving, this list of places included several states from the US, to places like Seoul, South Korea or even Russia, Poland and Japan, which is really interesting because it pops the question that “were did all this money come from?” for financing the project.

No matter what Cicada is used for, if it is for secret government agencies, or worldwide hackers, it leave us no doubt that this one of the weird things that you can find over the web, and makes us wonder a little bit of the big enigmas that are out there, and most people has no clue that this kind of stuff is happening nor what’s going. Well the main idea of this little review is that you research even more about the subject, and start seeing for yourself what’s out there.
Thank You folks for your time, hope y’all found it interesting:



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